SEO Metrics to Measure & understand the success of any domain.
Get data related to Domain Name, IP Address, Web Server and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (HTML, CSS,...)
When you visit this page we will find the IP of the person that visits us. You can also search for a specific IP and find information about this as its geographical location by attaching a map to see its exact location along with an informative explanation of how it works and its accuracy with current technology.
To use this SEO tool that generates new text from an original article, you must enter the text, either by writing or copying it from another website. Then, you must select the language in which the document was written and enter the verification code. After giving the button you will get the new text generated automatically. With this tool, you can highlight its new contents. These articles can be distributed in multiple ways: blogs, newsletters, forums. The visibility of your company will increase exponentially.
The query to look for the ownership of a domain is a public information service. The holder is obliged to enter their data to be stored in the WHOIS database. However, some services grant a private WHOIS service so you can not know who hides behind that created alias. At least there is always an email and contact.
We want to offer a place where different metrics appear to evaluate a website.
On the one hand, we will give you information on three basic data. First the loading speed of the website, domain authority, and finally the value of SEO.
We use data that gives us Google to calculate the loading speed of the website. The authority domain score is given by the algorithm from Finally, we have our SEO score that through the analysis of the website and the domain configuration determines a sum of values. If you have a high score SEO your site is properly configured and well programmed. You must not forget that the quality of code and metadata matter so much to rank your website.
Now we will define in detail all the calculations and metrics that perform this web project tool.
First, we indicate the IP where the website is hosted. The country to which it belongs, a monthly, annual, and total project value estimation.
We find that the page is online at the time of your visit. That may help to know if you are blocked for some reason to see it. It may be that you are under a proxy or the like or a system administrator has banned your country or IP from your ISP.
We have also created useful links that you can share regarding your site on social networking: Twitter, Facebook, Vk, Whatsapp, Reddit, Pinterest, Linkedin and Digg.
The next block represents the contact details of the domain. A call is made to a data server whois and gets the answer to that claim you can view. Review these data is very good practice as some erroneous data can reach to lose control.
After domain data reaches the SEO report. In this section we conducted a large analysis of factors that influence the positioning of a website:
We hope our site is useful in assessing the validity of the programming and marketing of any website. This tool aims to be a benchmark for many small online marketing agencies. We hope to grow with your feedback and be an emerging company in the next years.
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