What's my IP location right now?

Locate your IP on a map. IP lookup service

Lookup IP Address


Determine the city for an IP

To locate an IP in our world you need to geotag. Geolocation is a sense in vogue in recent years, its meaning is about the knowledge of the geographical location itself automatically on our planet giving coordinates to be correctly located.

Geographic information systems make extensive use of geolocation to troubleshoot institutional planning and administrative management. There are many ways to get this information about the location of people or events. Most of the time are mobile devices that have GPS connectivity and are therefore much more practical at the time of capture, store, manipulate and analyze all possible geographical data forms obtained.

Another alternative that can be used and it is very accessible to people who do not have mobile or other portable equipment is the product Google Earth, which is computer software, much like a Geographic Information System (GIS ) that obtains images of the entire planet using 3D imaging technology and that overlaps or overlays satellite imagery, maps and search data from the Google search engine. It is a very useful way to visualize an area of ​​the planet and get all accessible data with ease.

Ip locate Google Maps

To locate a friend or acquaintance with its IP in Google Maps, just tell your friend to enter this page and tell you what your IP. Then you'll know where you are. If your friend does not like it means there are other more complicated methods. The most common is to use a social network and send a file. If you can analyze the network often you will see the IP to which that file is sent.

Another method is to go to a website. Some sites record data from the last visitors. So if your friend visits the page will be recorded your IP. You just need to filter it and deduct it from the list of IP's

What data can you get from the IP?

When you search for an IP address, you will give you general data. This data is only about the physical connection of that IP address. This is a list of all available data from an IP address:

  • The region/state
  • The country
  • The city
  • The latitude and longitude of the location
  • The ZIP code
  • The ISP name
  • The ISP Hostname

Sometimes you can get the company where a person works but this information only is provided for top companies. You can not get the name or street address of any person by his/her IP address.

How accurate is the IP Lookup tool?

For Country 99.5%

For State 92%

Region (15km radius) 85%