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Contact information for any domain




The meaning of WHOIS

Who is the owner of this domain? is the question the WHOIS service tries to help us.

There is a large database with all the contact information about any global domain ( TLDS: .com, .net, .org,...) that answers the question regarding who owns a domain. Also, there are several databases that contain the information regarding country TLD like .de for german country or .it for Italy.

The information about the domain has data like owner name, owner address, owner email, registration date, expiration date, last record update,...

WHOIS Status Glossary

ACTIVE: When the status of a domain is active that domain can be updated. That means that the registrar can modify the contact information, fields like name, email, address,... Also, the domain can be renewed until the expiration date. This status is the default status when you buy a domain.

INACTIVE: The status domain inactive means that the nameservers do not resolve. The domain is not parked at any hosting or service but it is registered.

REGISTRY-LOCK: The registrar can not modify or delete the contact information. The registry has the option to remove the REGISTRY-LOCK status. The domain can be renewed.

REGISTRAR-LOCK: The sponsoring registrar (The registrar that straightaway administrates the name on behalf of the registrant) sets this status to the domain. The domain can not be deleted or modified by the registrar. The Registrar-Lock status must be deleted to change any contact field.

REGISTRY-HOLD: This status is set by the Registry company. The domain can not be modified or deleted by the registrar but it can be renewed. This status must be changed for the Registrar to modify the domain name.

REGISTRAR-HOLD: This status is set by the registrar. The owner of the domain can renew it but it cannot modify or delete it. If you want to modify the domain name the Registrar-Hold status must be removed.

REDEMPTIONPERIOD: This status is set by Registry after the deletion request made by the sponsoring Registrar after 5 days of being registered (if the sponsoring Registrar request is received within 5 days of initial domain registration it will be deleted instantaneously). The registrar can only restore the domain. The domain cannot be modified. This status period can remain for a maximum of 30 calendar days. All requests from other companies to modify or otherwise update the domain name will be rejected.

PENDINGRESTORE: A domain name changes its status to PENDINGRESTORE status when the registrar requests domain be restored that is in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status. The domain cannot be updated or modified. The Registry operator requires the documentation from the Registrar within 7 calendar days of Pendingrestore status, otherwise, the domains will come back to Redemptionperiod status. If restoration documentation is provided, the domain status will update to the active status.

PENDINGDELETE: If the domain name is held in PENDINGDELETE status, that means that it has not been restored during the Redemption Period. The domain cannot be modified or updated. Five calendar days after the termination of the Redemption period, the domain name will be available to any registrar. The domain's record will be deleted from the Registry database.