Website value calculator & SEO Checker =>

SEO report with information and free domain appraisal for It is a domain hosted in . Its server is hosted on IP The domain is ranked at the number 4004667 as a world ranking of web pages. According to estimated data we have access to potential gains of this site are 12 dollars per month. In annual terms, the domain could be earning more than 145 dollars. If someone wanted to buy the domain a good selling price would be 1452 dollars.

These data are estimated and can not be taken as 100 % real. Only give an estimate of profits depending on the subject and the traffic generated by . The estimated number of unique visitors accessing is 106. Thus the total number of people who visit this page per month would be 3171 people. Website value calculator

Domain Authority

SEO Score

Report Resume

  1. SEO score
  2. Speed
  3. Page Load Time
  4. Current Ip of the domain:
  5. Charset of page: UTF-8
  6. Total Keywords: 2229
  7. Total Links:
  8. Social signals
  9. Title: 84 characters.
  10. Description: 163 characters.
  11. Domain Authority
  12. Monthly pages viewed: 3171
  13. Estimated worth: 1452 dollars


We have developed a useful service for retrieve WhoIs information. "Whois" is a term that begins from the early days of the Internet, based on Unix operating system and university networks. On the Unix console, the command "whois" tries to determine the identity of the domain's registrant.

It is a means for Internet users to query various types of information such as IP addresses, user data and also domain data.

SEO Report

Title / Meta tags | Balatoni információk, Szállások, Programok, Gasztronómia

Minden ami Balaton! Fedezd fel a Balaton összes látnivalóját, éttermét, borászatát, természeti kincseit, vitorlázz, kirándulj, ez a Csodálatos Balaton!

Image Analysis


A right example for an HTML image tag:

<img src="prettyimage.jpg" alt="image description" title="image tooltip"/>

For SEO performance, you must write an alternative text. The alternative text must describe the image's content. Also, the alt tag is used for blind people. Their browsers tell them all about the description of the image.


Content Analysis

Code Analysis

We have not found hyphens (-) or underscores (_) in your URL. Google and expert domainers do not recommend buying domains with hyphens or underscores.

Speed Analysis

When a visitor came to your website you can not fail. The user wants your page to load in a second. You know that it is difficult sometimes to display content in the first second but if the user has to wait too much time you can lose that user. If your page is too slow, you will lose a lot of web traffic. Your project URL load time is ms, it is class speed. This speed not fine and need to be improved. It is over the average. Our Speed analyzer has shown that is as follows:

A huge portion of visitors to your website are usually in rush and nobody is fond of waiting too much before your website loads its content. If your website is slow, you will lose a lot of visitors. Your homepage load time is ms is class speed. This speed not fine and need to be improved. It is over the average. Our Speed analyzer has shown that is as follows:


Page Load Time: ms

Page Analysis

CSS Class names

yoast-schema-graph, home page-template page-template-home page-template-home-php page page-id-22 sticky gecko wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.3.0 vc_responsive, head bwhite n100 mb10 pf t0 z100, topmenu bred cwhite, inner n9 fmedium, the_left_side n90 ib vm, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-46184, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-46185, menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-46183, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-46186, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-46187, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-46188, menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-57739, menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-46189, menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-51756, the_right_side n10 ib vm ar, searchtrigger ib, searchingd, fa fa-2x fa-search vm, ib ml5 vm, header n9 bl oh, ib n45 oh vm, vm, ib n40 ar vm oh, cred ib mr10 vm, weathers cred, searchingd cred vm mr10, cred lh1 fs25 vm, la la-bars lh1 vm cred, quick ib vm n55 ar, quick ib vm, outbound ttu cdgrey, hotelek_hu ml15, btn outline cred btn_rounded border2px, social ml15, cdgrey, fa fa-facebook-square fs20, social ml5, fa fa-instagram fs20, the_menu ib vm ml15, the_menu_li, the_menu_trigger bwhite cred bl plr10 ttu, la la-bars mr5, pf r0 t0 z3 h100 n100 green80, n9 vam, searchingclose ma ac n50 bl cle bwhite, fa-close ac mb30, bwhite n50 ma p15 search_fields, n80 fl m10, bl p10, n20 fl m10, button p10 vm cwhite bred ttu, cl, subheader dn bred pf n100 h100 t0, the_menu_trigger bl pa t10 r10 cwhite fs30, la la-times bl, subheader-inner vam, subnav, subnavmenu, cwhite, item-lang ttu mobileonly, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16120, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16122, menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-39557, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16121, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16119, menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-56526, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16126, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16123, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16129, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16127, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-49676, menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-16125, login account-menu-item, main, the_banner banner_home banner_1200 banner_top magazin n9 , inner pt30 pb0, banner-container pr ac ma, banner_legend pa l0 r0 b0 ac fs10px, the_featured_section, inner-news n9, outer minus30, the_left n50 flexbox fl, the_post col n100 plr15, the_link shadow rounded pr bl oh fade, catlist bred cwhite ib ttu lh1 fbold p10 pa b0 l0 z1, the_image img100 bl, the_meta pt20 pb0, the_title fs30px ttn pr, cblue ls1, the_right n50 flexbox fl, the_post col n50 plr15, catlist bred cwhite ib ttu lh1 fbold p10 pa b0 l0 fs12px, the_meta pt10 pb0, the_title fs16px ttn pr ls05, cblue, inner pt20, mtm_banner img100 bl, bl desktopimage, the_news_section, the_section_head cred pt30 lh1, inner-slider_head n9, fs20 the_head the_left_side ib n50 al vm, the_icon vm fs14 lh1, la la-list-ul mr10, the_title vm, fs12 the_tags the_right_side ttu ib n50 ar vm, cred ml20 the_tags ib, the_section_content the_news, minus30, col col-1 plr15, the_post oh n33 fl p15, inner-post shadow rounded oh, bl bwhite, the_image pr, pa l0 b0 bred cwhite catlist bl ttu z4, ib p10, bl img100 wp-post-image, the_title cblue minh p15 lh120, img100 bl pr bwhite, the_image n40 ib vt, bl wp-post-image, the_desc n60 ib vt, the_date bred cwhite fbold ttu p10 ib lh100 fs09, the_title cblue fs10 lh120 mb10 p10, inner-post oh, the_desc, the_title cblue fs10 lh120 pt10, the_title cblue fs10 lh120 fnormal ttn ls05, ac allposts fs16 pt60, btn btn_rounded btn_wide ma ac bred cwhite, the_camera_section, the_section_head cred_true pt30 lh1, la la-video-camera mr10, the_post featured_camera oh n33 fl p15, the_image pr fade, pa centered, bl img100, the_location cdgrey vm fnormal p15, location fs14 mr5 vm, the_title cred_true vm ib, the_post regular_camera p15 oh n33 fl ib vt, bl pr bwhite, the_image n40 ib vt pr, the_desc n60 ib vt p10, location fs14 mr5 cdgrey ib vm, the_title cred_true fs10 lh120 ib vm, ac allposts fs16 mt50, btn btn_rounded btn_wide ma ac bred_true cwhite, the_hotels_section, the_section_head cblue_true pt30 lh1, fa-hotels vm mr10, cblue_true ml20 the_tags ib, the_section_content n9 plr10 pr the_places, hotel-prev pa fs20 z9 l0 t0 b0, inner bblue_true cwhite plr5 slider_nav_button, la la-angle-left, owl-carousel the_9_slider, the_event_3_items mpost1, the_item shadow rounded oh mb30 the_first_row mt10, the_image img100 bl pr bwhite, pa l0 b0 bblue_true cwhite catlist bl ttu z4, the_rest inner p10 cle bwhite, the_title minh bl, subtitle cblue, the_location cdgrey vm fnormal, location fs14 mr5 vm cred2, vm helyszin, the_item mb30 shadow rounded oh the_second_row mt10, bblue_true cwhite catlist ib ttu lh1, inner-the_desc p10, subtitle cblue fs10 lh120 mb10, the_location cdgrey fnormal mb10 vm lh1 fs09, location fs14 mr5 vm cred2 lh1, the_event_3_items mpost4, the_event_3_items mpost7, hotel-next pa fs20 z9 r0 t0 b0, la la-angle-right, ac allposts fs16 pt30 mb30, btn btn_rounded btn_wide ma ac bblue_true cwhite, the_feat_section, featmain n100 row row5 pr z4 bwhite, sight_top row7 mb15, n9, sight_top_head desktop_only, n66 ib bred_true the_left_side, pt15, ib vm n60 al fs20 cwhite, sights mr10 cwhite, ib n40 vm ar, ib vm btn mr15 outline cwhite btn_rounded, n33 ib blred_true the_right_side, toplist mr10 cwhite ml15, ib vm btn outline cwhite btn_rounded, selection row8, minus15, n66 fl, the_post oh n50 col two_block col-1 fl p15, the_feat_image n40 ib vt, the_date bred_true cwhite fbold ttu p10 ib lh100 fs09, sight_top_head mobile_only mb20, bl n100 byellow, n33 fl, tabbed selection_4 n100 col fl plr10 mb15, tab tab_1 n25 ib ttu fbold, active, tab tab_2 n25 ib ttu fbold, tab tab_3 n25 ib ttu fbold, tab tab_4 n25 ib ttu fbold, tab_5 cle bl n100, tab_content, n100 col col-1 fl plr10 m_highlighted mpost1, item subitem bwhite mb10 mpost1, tc vt, inner cle, text, ib lh100 cblack, the_sep pt10, sep, desc cblack lh120, n100 col col-1 fl plr10 m_highlighted mpost2, item subitem bwhite mb10 mpost2, n100 col col-1 fl plr10 m_highlighted mpost3, item subitem bwhite mb10 mpost3, tab_content dn, banner_home banner_1200 magazin n9, bl, the_heviz_section, the_section_head clgreen pt30 lh1, the_icon vm fs14 lh1 ib, sep mr10 vm bl, clgreen ml20 the_tags ib, the_section_content the_heviz, pa l0 b0 blgreen cwhite catlist bl ttu z4, btn btn_rounded btn_wide ma ac blgreen cwhite, the_places_section, location vm mr10, place-prev pa fs20 z9 l0 t0 b0, the_location cdgrey vm fnormal mb10, the_tags, the_tag cblue_true ib n50 vt tag_1, cblue_true mr5, the_tag cblue_true ib n50 vt tag_2, the_tag cblue_true ib n50 vt tag_3, the_tag cblue_true ib n50 vt tag_4, place-next pa fs20 z9 r0 t0 b0, the_feednews_section csm, the_section_head cgreen, inner-section_head n9 cgreen, fs20 the_head the_left_side ib n50 al vm lh1, the_title vm fblack, fs12 the_tags the_right_side ttu ib n50 ar vm lh1, cgreen ml20 the_tags ib, the_section_content, feed-items minus30 mb20 col col-1 plr15, the_post oh n33 fl p15 item-1, desktoponly, pa l0 b0 bgreen cwhite catlist ttu z4, mobileonly, catlist bgreen cwhite fbold ttu p10 ib lh100 fs09 vt, the_post oh n33 fl p15 item-2, the_post oh n33 fl p15 item-3, more_button ac ma cle pt30, btn bgreen plr40 fs14 cwhite, the_feednews_section csbp, the_section_head the_csbnews_head_title cgreen, pa l0 b0 bred cwhite catlist ttu z4, catlist bred cwhite fbold ttu p10 ib lh100 fs09 vt, the_feednews_section hajozas, the_feednews_section bringazas, the_feednews_section wbu mb20, footer row0 n100 bgreen pt20 pr, n9 o80, external_logo ib vm n20, footer row1 n100 bred cwhite pr z4, pt30, col col1 fl n70, ttu cwhite mb15, mailster-form mailster-form-submit mailster-ajax-form mailster-form-1, mailster-form-fields, mailster-wrapper mailster-firstname-wrapper, input mailster-firstname mailster-required, mailster-wrapper mailster-email-wrapper, input mailster-email mailster-required, mailster-wrapper mailster-elfogadom-wrapper, mailster-elfogadom mailster-required, mailster-required, mailster-wrapper mailster-submit-wrapper form-submit, submit-button button, col col2 fl n30, cwhite mb15, page_item page-item-39, page_item page-item-35, page_item external_url, page_item page-item-2, footer row2 n100 bgreen cwhite pr z4, the_copyrights al cwhite ttu n70 ib vm, the_socials ar cwhite ib n30 vm, social, fa fa-facebook, fa fa-instagram, hirek menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-8, programok menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-5, latnivalok menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-13351, helyek menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-13350, webkamerak menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-46227, szallas menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-14119, cli-bar-container cli-style-v2, cli-bar-message, cli-plugin-main-link, cli-bar-btn_container, cli_settings_button, medium cli-plugin-button cli-plugin-main-button cookie_action_close_header cli_action_button, cli-modal, cli-modal-dialog, cli-modal-content cli-bar-popup, cli-modal-close, , wt-cli-sr-only, cli-modal-body, cli-container-fluid cli-tab-container, cli-row, cli-col-12 cli-align-items-stretch cli-px-0, cli-privacy-overview, cli-privacy-content, cli-privacy-content-text, cli-privacy-readmore, cli-col-12 cli-align-items-stretch cli-px-0 cli-tab-section-container, cli-tab-section, cli-tab-header, cli-nav-link cli-settings-mobile, wt-cli-necessary-checkbox, cli-user-preference-checkbox, form-check-label, cli-necessary-caption, cli-tab-content, cli-tab-pane cli-fade, cli-switch, cli-slider, cli-modal-backdrop cli-fade cli-settings-overlay, cli-modal-backdrop cli-fade cli-popupbar-overlay,

Ω HTTP Header Analysis

Source Analysis

Your website is made from CSS files, images and javascript sources. We count all the files and their size. This is vital data about the performance of your website.

🌎 Location Analysis

Our location analyzer has shown that is as follows:

Security Information - Is this website safe and legit?

Google Trends


How much money does earn?
The domain has a revenue of $11.0985 monthly. We have calculated this earning based on the daily traffic of this domain.
Has Google Analytics code?
The domain has the Google Analytics code inside its HTML.

The Analytics id for is 61094824

Has Google Adsense code?
The domain has not the Google Adsense code inside its HTML.
What IP has?
The domain has IP

An IP address is a string of numbers used to make devices accessible for communication.

Which charset has?
The domain has the charset UTF-8.

To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know which character set to use.

The charset change for every language set of characters like English, Chinese or Russian.

How many internal links has?
The domain has 0 links.

The links are an important part of the web.

The links help us to navigate between pages.

How many words has?
The domain has 2229 words.

The number of words is a crucial metric of the website.

The websites need a large quantity of text to explain the content of the site