Website value calculator & SEO Checker =>

SEO report with information and free domain appraisal for It is a domain hosted in . Its server is hosted on IP The domain is ranked at the number 22910 as a world ranking of web pages. According to estimated data we have access to potential gains of this site are 2742 dollars per month. In annual terms, the domain could be earning more than 32898 dollars. If someone wanted to buy the domain a good selling price would be 328983 dollars.

These data are estimated and can not be taken as 100 % real. Only give an estimate of profits depending on the subject and the traffic generated by . The estimated number of unique visitors accessing is 23954. Thus the total number of people who visit this page per month would be 718617 people. Website value calculator

Domain Authority

SEO Score

Report Resume

  1. Page Speed Score
  2. Speed
  3. Page Load Time
  4. Current Ip of the domain:
  5. Charset of page: UTF-8
  6. Total Keywords: 2226
  7. Total Links:
  8. Social signals
  9. Title: 57 characters.
  10. Description: 164 characters.
  11. Domain Authority
  12. Monthly pages viewed: 718617
  13. Estimated worth: 328983 dollars


We have developed a useful service for retrieve WhoIs information. "Whois" is a term that begins from the early days of the Internet, based on Unix operating system and university networks. On the Unix console, the command "whois" tries to determine the identity of the domain's registrant.

It is a means for Internet users to query various types of information such as IP addresses, user data and also domain data.

SEO Report

Title / Meta tags

Matrimony, Marriage, Free Matrimonial Sites, Match Making

Most trusted Indian matrimony site. 10Lac+ Profiles, 3-level profile check, Search by caste and community, Privacy control & Register FREE! ‘Be Found’ Now

Image Analysis


A right example for an HTML image tag:

<img src="prettyimage.jpg" alt="image description" title="image tooltip"/>

For SEO performance, you must write an alternative text. The alternative text must describe the image's content. Also, the alt tag is used for blind people. Their browsers tell them all about the description of the image.


Content Analysis

Code Analysis

We have not found hyphens (-) or underscores (_) in your URL. Google and expert domainers do not recommend buying domains with hyphens or underscores.

Speed Analysis

When a visitor came to your website you can not fail. The user wants your page to load in a second. You know that it is difficult sometimes to display content in the first second but if the user has to wait too much time you can lose that user. If your page is too slow, you will lose a lot of web traffic. Your project URL load time is ms, it is class speed. This speed not fine and need to be improved. It is over the average. Our Speed analyzer has shown that is as follows:

A huge portion of visitors to your website are usually in rush and nobody is fond of waiting too much before your website loads its content. If your website is slow, you will lose a lot of visitors. Your homepage load time is ms is class speed. This speed not fine and need to be improved. It is over the average. Our Speed analyzer has shown that is as follows:


Page Load Time: ms

Page Analysis

CSS Class names

bg_pink lh46 f18 txtc colrw fontreg boxshadow, jspcOverlay js-overlay overlayZ disp-none, pos_fix fullwid z7, container errwid2 pt10 pb10, disp_ib pos-rel, sprite2 erric1, f20 fontlig color11 vtop disp_ib pos-rel, pos_fix topnavpos2 navBarZ fullwid hgt63, mainwid mauto pos-rel, mainwid z2 js-topnav navBarZ pos_rel brrad-2 borderTopNavBar, clearfix fullwid hgt63, fl newLogoWidthLoggedOut bg-white txtc disp-tbl, lgo, disp-cell vmid newLogoWidthLoggedOut, brdr-0 vmid hgt63, fl topnavbg1 mnav-wid2 colrw f14 hgt63 cabin_med, f14, pl27 clearfix, topnavbar_new listnone f14 fl pt23, drop, materialIcons expandMore w24, TabsContentHome coloropa1 menushadowGNB, InneerTabContent, TabsMenu fl coloropa2 cabin_reg, sub_h, BrowseContent fl, Mother_Tongue_h, fullwidth clearfix pl10, contentHeader mCustomScrollbar, clearfix hor_list, Caste_h, Religion_h, City_h, Occupation_h, State_h, NRI_h, College_h, ml50 searchNav, drop cursp, menushadowGNB, disp_b cursp searchNav, disp_b cursp js-srchbyid, ml50, disp_b cursp, fl topnavbg1 hgt63 brrad-2 headerRight cabin_med, clearfix, fl hpwid3 lh63 txtc disp-tbl cursp, disp-cell vmid f14 colrw, fl hpwid3 lh63 txtc disp-tbl bg_pink, pos_fix layersZ disp-none, sprite2 close pos_fix closepos cursp, pos_fix fontlig setshare, mauto layerbg wid520, layerp1, f17 grey5, mt20, clearfix wid92p brderinp layerp2, bgnone f15 grey6 brdr-0 fl fullwid, f15 colr2 pt10, mt30 scrollhid pos_rel, lh63 txtc colrw f18 fullwid brdr-0 bg5 cursp hoverBlue blueRipple, firstBlock, middle_div mtn606, mainwid mauto, disp-flex j_space-between, disp-flex j_flex_end f_direc_column colrw a_items_flex_endz, txtr, sarah f114 mtn16, z5 brrad-6, registerFields_heading, pt6 pos_rel, register_inputFields cursp, p8p12, materialIcons expandMoreBlack h24 w24 selectArrow pos_abs, disp-none dropOptions cursp, listnone liHover f14 drop_D, f10 colrw pt5 disp-none cabin_bold a_items_center, disp-none, listnone liHover drop_D f14, pt6 inputField, register_inputFields brdr-0 pl12 w326 f14 cabin_reg, pt6, disp-flex f_wrap pos_rel cursp, bg-white br-tr-rad br-br-rad brrad-2 pos_rel, register_inputFields pos-rel, p8p12 brdr-0 f14 cabin_reg, pos_abs f24, disp-none dropOptions cursp scrolla mCustomScrollbar, listnone liHover f14 drop_D w80, register_inputFields isdBorder brdr-0 pl5 br-tl-rad br-bl-rad cabin_reg, bg-white disp-flex f_wrap brrad-2, register_inputFields brdr-0 pl12 cabin_reg, pt6 cursp, materialIcons blackEye h24 w26, register_SubmitButton cabin_bold brrad-3 cursp, registerFields_heading cabin_reg, cabin_med, colr5 cabin_sem_bold, , mauto mainwid, mainwid mb48 mainShadow, bg-white padInnerDiv brrad-4, fcolorgreylight f14 cabin_bold ls175, pt4 f28 cabin_reg, color5 cabin_med, pt20, pr15, topBenifitsSprite benifit1, cabin_sem_bold f16 pt16, bg_pink mt8 mb5, cabin_reg f13 txtmore lh19, topBenifitsSprite benifit2, topBenifitsSprite benifit3, FeaturesSection, FeaturesSection__Body, FeaturesSection__Header, FeaturesSection__SubTitle, FeaturesSection__Title, text-pink, FeaturesSection__List, FeaturesSection__List__Feature, FeaturesSection__List__Feature__Header, FeaturesSection__List__Feature__Description, FeaturesSection__Images, FeaturesSection__Images__Wrapper, FeaturesSection__Images__Wrapper__Image, bg-white padInnerDiv, pt4 f28 cabin_reg f13, fullwid, pt22 disp-flex f_direct_row j_space-between, cabin_sem_bold f14, howItWorksSprite howItWorks1, cabin_sem_bold f14 pt16, color5, howItWorksSprite howItWorks2, howItWorksSprite howItWorks3, pt16, pt30 pb10 disp-flex j_center, padRegisterFree cabin_bold colrw f14 brrad-3 wid150 txtc, txtc bg15 padInnerDiv, f28 cabin_sem_bold, fcolorgrey f16 cabin_reg pb40 lh24, _m230 disp-flex a_items_center j_center, w286 txtl freeDivPadding z3 freeDivShadow bg-white brrad-4, microDiv bg_pink, pb20 f28 pt8 cabin_reg, pb18 disp-flex a_items_center, materialIcons pr5 pinktick w24 h24 cursp, fcolorgreylight, materialIcons pr5 greyCross w24 h24 cursp, txtc freeRegister mr10 hgt35 disp-flex j_center a_items_center brrad-3 cabin_bold colrw, bg_pink colrw txtl z3 paidDivPadding brrad-4 w329 pinkDivShadow, microDiv bg-white, pb21 f28 pt8 cabin_reg, pb27 disp-flex a_items_center, materialIcons pr5 whiteTick w24 h24 cursp, color5 wid90p hgt35 disp-flex j_center a_items_center brrad-3 cabin_sem_bold, bg5 h232 z1, bg-white exclusivePad, exclusiveImageSize bdr-rad3 exclusiveImage pos_rel lazy, mt0 exclusiveText, txtc pt28, f16 cabin_bold fcolorgreylight lh18 pb5, f30 cabin_reg pb16, cabin_med color5, f14 disp-flex j_center, bg_pink colrw padExclusive brrad-4, disp-flex pt28, disp-flex a_items_center pb10, materialIcons pinkSupervised w24 h24, f16 cabin_med pl8, f13 lh19 txtmore, divideSize divideMar, materialIcons pinkTune w24 h24, materialIcons pinkHowToReg w24 h24, bg15 cabin_reg successStorypad, successStoryWid, f14 fcolorgreylight cabin_bold ls175, f28 pb18 pt4 cabin_reg, colr5 cabin_med, pos_rel, scrollhid, disp-flex f_direct_row pos_rel, item ht228, successStoryList happyCouples_List pos_rel, successImage bdrRad7 lazy-bg, txtc pt10 pos_abs btm0, colrw f40 sarah htxtshadow, lineClass, pb20 pt7 cabin_sem_bold f11 subtxtshadow ls15, successStoryDetails pos_rel homeSuccessWidHgtNew hoverPinkColor colrw opa90 bdrRad7, padding24 cursordefault, cabin_sem_bold, pt8 scrollhid, colrw, pos_abs btm0 r0 pad20 disp-flex, materialIcons whiteViewMore w24 h24 pl3, pos_abs, whiteCircle disp-flex a_items_center j_center, materialIcons backArrowBlack w24 h24 cursp, materialIcons forwardArrowBlack w24 h24 cursp, bg5 colrw disp-flex j_space-between, wid36p pl55 pt28 pb55 fl, f14 pb4 cabin_bold opa60 ls175, f28 pb3 cabin_med, pb20 f16 lh27 opa90, disp-flex j_space-between wid90p pb19, appsSprite apps1, appsSprite apps2, f16, cabin_med colrw, opa70, wid52p pt20 pos-rel, pos_abs btm0 lazy, pt40 bg-white, container bg-white matrimonialContainer, pt24 mainwid mauto pb27, homeTag txtc color11, f28, colr5 cabin_bold, txtc, tabs hp_btm_tabs hor_list clearfix f16 pt8 disp_ib, active, tab_container hphgt1, tab_content divcenter, browsebyp_new, clearfix pt10 pb5, subhobver, materialIcons hoverBlackUpArrow w24 h24 mtn11 fl ml13, pos-abs z2 sub, ht3, hpbg5_new wr1 pos-rel, matrLink, color6, container clearfix padSeoText bg15 txtj, h46 lazy, f14 opa80 lh24 pt16, f12 pt20 lh24 opa80 cabin_sem_bold, js-requestCallBackOverlay dspN fontlig, overlay, modal fontlig, posabs Widgicon Widicon4 js-requestCallBackClose, formpadt2 fontlig, fontlig f15 txtc pb18, Widgetbox1 fontlig, fontlig, errorPad dspN fontlig, formpadt1, rcbfield rcb_pt17 color2 fontlig clearfix reqCalbck-bdr12 pb15 pl3, rcb_fl wid35, f16 rcb_lh40 rcb_fl pr5, rcb_fl, wid88, rcbdropdown, cursp, rcb_fl wid60 pl4, wid88 rcb_fl, disp-none wid88 rcb_fl rcb_m2, clear, f14 pt8, formpadt1 fontlig, dropdown, js-dt, posabs pos1 sideicon, js-dd, errorPad dspN, cursp pinkRipple hoverPink bg_pink, formpadt3 dspN, formpadt4 dspN, dspN pos_fix hlpwhite fontreg hlppos1 wid200, pos-rel clearfix, Widposabs hlpcl1 js-helpCollapses l0, vertical-text f12, fr js-helpWidgetContent, clearfix padalls wid80p brdrb-8 pt20 pb20, sprite2 helpic1 fl, fl color11 f14 pl10, clearfix padalls wid80p brdrb-8 pt20 pb20 js-openRequestCallBack, sprite2 helpic2 fl, clearfix optwidg f14, Widgicon Widicon3 fl, fl pl10 f14, newbg pb30, container mainwid, fullwidth clearfix pt20 cabin_reg, fl wid265, f14 listnone foot_new, f16 cabin_sem_bold, fr wid177, pt20 pb25 fullwid clearfix colrw blueBg, container mainwid disp-flex j_space-between, f14 cabin_sem_bold pb10, footericon footerIconSpriteNew new-androidsmall, footericon footerIconSpriteNew new-idsmall, footericon footerIconSpriteNew new-facebooksmall, footericon footerIconSpriteNew new-twittersmall, footericon footerIconSpriteNew new-instasmall, f14 cabin_sem_bold padb10, f20 fontlig pt10 emailAnchor, bg-white, pb10 pt10 wid800 clearfix txtc pl128, f12 color6 fl pt30 pr36 cabin_sem_bold, fl, basic, pl40, headfootsprtie acre, headfootsprtie nc, headfootsprtie ng, pl55, headfootsprtie shiksha, headfootsprtie mydala, headfootsprtie pb, headfootsprtie zomato, headfootsprtie meritn, pl30, headfootsprtie ambitionbox, headfootsprtie leftslide, headfootsprtie rightsmall, txtc pb15, hor_list clearfix f13 fontlig disp_ib, pl5, color11, bg_3, padall-10 txtc f12 cabin_sem_bold colr2,

Ω HTTP Header Analysis

Source Analysis

Your website is made from CSS files, images and javascript sources. We count all the files and their size. This is vital data about the performance of your website.

🌎 Location Analysis

Our location analyzer has shown that is as follows:

Security Information - Is this website safe and legit?

Google Trends


How much money does earn?
The domain has a revenue of $2515.1595 monthly. We have calculated this earning based on the daily traffic of this domain.
Has Google Analytics code?
The domain has the Google Analytics code inside its HTML.

The Analytics id for is 20942264

Has Google Adsense code?
The domain has not the Google Adsense code inside its HTML.
What IP has?
The domain has IP

An IP address is a string of numbers used to make devices accessible for communication.

Which charset has?
The domain has the charset UTF-8.

To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know which character set to use.

The charset change for every language set of characters like English, Chinese or Russian.

How many internal links has?
The domain has 0 links.

The links are an important part of the web.

The links help us to navigate between pages.

How many words has?
The domain has 2226 words.

The number of words is a crucial metric of the website.

The websites need a large quantity of text to explain the content of the site